2014年7月31日 星期四

Institutional Ethnography摘要


Institutional ethnography (p497-p512)



Bourgeault, I., Dingwall, R., & De Vries, R. (Eds.). (2010). The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Health Research. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781446268247


        建制民族誌(IE)和一般的民族誌的方法論相同,但關注的東西和其知識特性不同於一般的民族誌。IE是社會學的一支,它關注的東西在於如何重組有關社會知識的社會關係,意指在研究者面臨的日常生活中的斷裂(rupture)(尤其在人們的各式協調(coordination)),找出隱身在文本背後的機構制度(institutional regime)以及知識的支配關係(ruling relation)




        首先是它讓研究者個人的困惑或情緒有一個值得擺放的地方,就像之前和老師討論民族誌如何開始討論反身概念,IESmith從女性主義汲取對於專家、知識必須重新審視其發言獨佔問題的想像,另闢一個讓各個位置上的人發聲的方式。同時這樣的方法論也方便擺放像我們這樣的專業者,去反思專業知識領域中的支配關係(ruling relation)


1.      這個設施裡的人在做什麼?(中醫做什麼?西醫做什麼?)OR做什麼是「中醫」?做什麼是「西醫」?)

2.      他們怎麼知道自己應該做什麼?(與既有的工作經驗衝突?依據命令做事?)OR更多隱形或間接的指示系統,讓集體行為的模式朝向未予言明的更高或外在權威之意圖

3.      他們的工作之間如何被協調?(有誰當司令塔?)OR有第三者論述來整併不同論述於較大而同質的論述架構裡

4.      他們顧及(OR參照)那些文本?(研究、病例?)

5.      這些文本如何產生(OR 源自何處)?產生的過程(OR 「文本旅程」)經誰之手?(誰寫?誰看?誰用?)




1.      P497: Most basic is the importance that institutional ethnographers attach to understanding the social world that is enacted in institutions. In IE --- things --- are both created and interpreted in actions. In the IE approach, meanings are never fixed and the definitions of terms --- is not the best way to understand IE --- IE requires that we understand how institutional ethnography’s terms “work” in the contexts of their use

2.      P497-498: --- knowledge is socially organized, IE cannot stand outside the social relations of any setting in some ‘neutral space’ --- the standpoint of the researcher and of the research is always an issue for what is the learned and made known ---

3.      P479: --- out of the discoveries of the feminist movement --- Smith developed IE as an alternative sociology, one that avoids --- use of theory in research that --- established ‘the knower’s discursive position as transcending --- people’s experience --- an essential claim --- addresses a problematic or puzzle discoverable in people’s own experiences in their everyday worlds, and does so from their own perspectives

4.      P479: IE makes an --- understanding that the knowledge it generates is never neutral --- an inquiry in IE is embedded in and expresses a particular politics of knowing ---

5.      P501: --- the idea of ruling relations is brought to the study by the researcher not as a theoretical concept, but as a strategy for looking

6.      P501: The researcher’s choice of a problematic for inquiry occurs from getting to know the setting --- Central --- is IE’s commitment to being a research ‘for people’, This --- demands on how the research is conducted ---

7.      P501~502: --- researcher establishes --- research topic in relation to the people in the setting and to their experiences

8.      P506: The ethnographic data --- in IE were chosen --- not because they expressed or elaborated ---- a theoretical discourse ---- Rather, the data offer an entry into the actual workings of an institutional regime

9.      P508: --- help to extend knowledge beyond nominalization --- for instance, “managerialism”, “neoliberalism” --- politics of knowing ---

